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Open a FedEx account and enjoy more benefits.

Take advantage of our many services and solutions designed to meet your shipping needs, when you sign up for a FedEx account today.

Reminders of providing complete and correct information for customs clearance for the shipments to the United States due to the recent regulatory changes in the United States.

Your Business Resource

FedEx New Customer
FedEx New Customer
FedEx New Customer

New to FedEx?

Our New Customer Center guides you through all necessary steps when shipping with FedEx.

More efficient for your business with FedEx Billing Online
More efficient for your business with FedEx Billing Online
More efficient for your business with FedEx Billing Online

More efficient for your business with FedEx Billing Online

Does your business still rely on paper invoices? You can now check your invoices online anytime, anywhere. No hassle. No clutter!

A woman wearing headphones while using a laptop
A woman wearing headphones while using a laptop
A woman wearing headphones while using a laptop

FedEx International Priority® Express

More delivery time options are available for your international shipments from January 3, 2022.